Level 4 Sentence Writing: Colons & Commas


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Using Colons & Commas in Simple Lists

The Punctuation Monsters help you learn to use colons and commas in sentences with simple lists. Featuring easy to understand step-by-step guidance including:

  • how to write a colon
  • how to write a comma
  • where to place a colon when introducing a list
  • where to place a comma to separate items in a list
  • how to structure a list as a sentence

If you wish to use a serial comma use the US-English version. Both the US-English and British-English versions are included with this resource.

Have a go at forming sentences with the editable challenges including unpunctuated sentences to rewrite.

Complete the 5 page writing workbook featuring sentence writing challenges, cut and paste sentences and draw your own punctuation monsters.

Design your own punctuation monster.

Includes the Level 4 Sentence Writing certificate.